Small Business Consulting

Leveraging a network of seasoned ecosystem entrepreneurs in fields such as HACCP, marketing, and funding, we offer a distinct consulting experience at Embrace Lokal. Our professionals not only provide advice but have also personally navigated the complexities of their respective areas, embodying the principle of 'walking the talk.' This ensures that the guidance and strategies you receive are not only theoretically sound but have been proven effective in practical applications.


  • Compliance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards
  • Navigating Alberta Health Services (AHS) regulations
  • Development and implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans
  • Crafting and executing effective marketing strategies
  • Identifying and applying for funding opportunities
  • Assistance with grants and financial support options
  • and much more. 

At Embrace Lokal, our consulting services are grounded in collaboration with community experts and entrepreneurs, providing bespoke strategies for your business. With a consulting fee starting at $100 per hour, we ensure your access to top-tier expertise. For comprehensive project engagements, we prepare customized quotes post an initial onboarding session. To explore how we can assist in accelerating your business growth or getting it off the ground, please fill out our intake/quote form to get started.